Petr has extensive experience in management and consulting positions in Czech and foreign companies, both locally and internationally. He worked for example in Lovochemie, Vitana, Lafarge Cement, Česká spořitelna and Erste Bank. In addition to the Czech Republic, he also worked in Austria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, France, Germany, Spain and Norway.

He focuses mainly on analysis, design and implementation of strategic, conceptual and complex changes in companies. His functional specialization is business process optimization, business analysis, IT implementation and IT management, purchasing management (strategies, organizations, processes and information systems), business process outsourcing and shared service centers, project management and operational risk management.
He lectures at international conferences, is a renowned expert on transformation projects, purchasing process management, outsourcing and risk management. Petr is the author of a number of methodologies, such as Business Continuity Management.

He is currently an independent consultant, lecturer and interim manager in Central and Eastern Europe. He is an advisor to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).