Background check

Background checkWe offer to our clients   verification of data of future or existing employees, tenants, suppliers.   In particular, it concerns the verification of data that job seekers state in their CVs or other relevant documents (draft contract, order, etc.). Given the fact that data has recently been increasingly misrepresented by employees, or false data about their education or previous experience, this service gives clients confidence that job seekers are truly qualified and educated as they say. For new tenants, you will avoid potential debts and problems with neighbors.

Our consulting office also offers scans in the following areas:

  • comprehensive identity verification
  • physical verification of the place of residence
  • reviewing previous or current business
  • reviewing education and previous experience
  • property review
  • verification of insolvency
  • checking other public data (internet, social networks, etc.)

All the above-mentioned data are tested in full compliance with applicable legislation.

For more information on Background Check, please use our contact form .