Process Optimization– Increased value added 
– cost reduction 
– minimizing operational risks

We analyze:

  • possibilities of simplifying processes (reducing unnecessary complexity) – reducing the possibility of failure, reducing costs
  • process risks (suppliers, technology, people, communication, including business continuity)
  • organizational structure – at least in terms of the division of competences, powers and decision-making rules
  • formal page – process documentation, used forms, key information documentation and decision making

How we proceed:

  1. As-Is – analysis of the current state with identification of areas of change (greatest potential savings / yields)
  2. To-Be – target status design (solution, time schedule, resources, business case)
  3. Implementation of selected solutions

Goals and price

For these projects, we achieve significant cost savings for the customer. For this reason, we are ready to implement selected orders in the form of “success fee”, ie a motivational reward from the total savings achieved. For the customer, this means that the remuneration for our work is payable only if savings on the part of the customer are achieved according to the agreed criteria by the ratio to the total savings.

Who is this product for?

Looking for savings, productivity gains, quick returns in your business? Believe that there is always something to improve in processes!

For more information, please use our contact form .